Abstraktion Sensitivity for Order
Binomischer Würfel
Der binomische Würfel bietet den Kindern eine sensomotorische Erfahrung, die sie bei der
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Trinomischer Würfel
Der Trinomische Würfel bietet den Kindern eine sensomotorische Erfahrung, die sie bei der
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Tangram aus Filz
Ein leichtgewichtiges Tangram - perfekt zum Mitnehmen!
Zuordnungsspiele machen allen Kindern Spaß - es gibt sie in verschiedenen Stufen.
Obst zu ordnen
Obst aus Filz ihren Entsprechungen auf Fotos zuordnen in zwei Schwierigkeitsstufen
Schatten sind ein faszinierendes Phänomen, das man toll erforschen und untersuchen kann - und
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Pouring activities
There are many different pouring activities - they build on each other in terms of difficulty
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Filling and pouring
- Skills: Hand-Eye-Coordination Perception Independence
- Type of play: Practical life
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
Syringe and pipette
There are many different transfer exercises with pipettes and syringes - they build on each
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Filling and pouring
- Skills: Hand-Eye-Coordination Perception Independence
- Type of play: Practical life
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
There are many different activities with tongs - they build on each in difficulty level and
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Filling and pouring
- Skills: Hand-Eye-Coordination Perception Independence
- Type of play: Practical life
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
There are many different activities with spoons - they build on each other in levels of
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Filling and pouring
- Skills: Hand-Eye-Coordination Perception Independence
- Type of play: Practical life
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
Binomial cube
The binomial cube is a sensomotor experience, that supports the development of spatial
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Rechnen Geometrie
- Skills: Auge-Hand-Koordination Abstraktion
- Type of Play: Konstruieren
- Sensitive Period: Sinn für Ordnung
Trinomial cube
The trinomial cube is a sensomotor experience, that supports the development of spatial
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Rechnen Geometrie
- Skills: Auge-Hand-Koordination Abstraktion
- Type of play: Konstruieren
- Sensitive Period: Sinn für Ordnung
Sound cylinders
Shaking and exact listening - train the sense of hearing with the sound cylinders.
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: hearing
- Skills: concentration categorization
- Type of Play: Sorting game
- Sensitive Period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Language
Shades sorting game
'ligther than... and darker than' in the colours of the rainbow
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Shades Colors
- Skills: Fine motor skills Hand-eye-coordination
- Type of play: Peg game
- Sensitiv period: Sensitivity for Order
Rainbow rings
Colourful rings in the colours of the rainbow and lots of possiblities to loop them - all mixed
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Colors
- Skills: Fine motor skills Hand-eye-coordination
- Type of play: Sorting game Peg game
- Sensitiv period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
Sorting - the good ones go into the pod
Sorting exercises can be so different. You can sort into colours, shapes, properties ect.
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Formen Colors Magnetism
- Skills: Fine motor skills Pincer grip Categorization
- Type of play: Sorting game
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Order
Simple, everyday tasks
Simple everyday tasks - children want to investigate and exercise tasks, they see us do, in
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Skills: Fine motor skills Motion sequence
- Type of play: Practical life
- Sensitive Period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
Trays for little household helpers
Explore and practice everyday domestic tasks.
Here Marie form ...
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Skills: Fine motor skills Motion sequence
- Type of play: Practical life
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Motion