concentration skill-based game concentration
Pouring activities
There are many different pouring activities - they build on each other in terms of difficulty
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Filling and pouring
- Skills: Hand-Eye-Coordination Perception Independence
- Type of play: Practical life
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
Syringe and pipette
There are many different transfer exercises with pipettes and syringes - they build on each
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Filling and pouring
- Skills: Hand-Eye-Coordination Perception Independence
- Type of play: Practical life
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
There are many different activities with tongs - they build on each in difficulty level and
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Filling and pouring
- Skills: Hand-Eye-Coordination Perception Independence
- Type of play: Practical life
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
Sound cylinders
Shaking and exact listening - train the sense of hearing with the sound cylinders.
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: hearing
- Skills: concentration categorization
- Type of Play: Sorting game
- Sensitive Period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Language
The 5 vertebrae puzzles
The 5 animal puzzles with one animal each from the five animal kingdoms. The children look for
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Animals Vocabulary
- Skills: Conzentration Fine motor skills Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of play: Jigsaw puzzle
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Language
The invertebrae puzzles
The missing animal puzzles with some animals of the invertebrate animal classes.
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Animals Vocabulary
- Skills: Conzentration Fine motor skills Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of play: Jigsaw puzzle
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Language
Felt tangram
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Animal Letters Numbers
- Skills: Persistence Concentration Abstraction
- Type of play: Puzzle
Two part puzzles
Two parts make one - Search for the fitting halves.
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Shapes
- Skills: Concentration Fine motor skills
- Art des Spiels: Jigsaw puzzle
Toddler puzzles
First simple puzzles for toddlers - discover sequenzes, fruit, vegetables and rainbows -
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Colors Shapes
- Skills: Concentration Fine motor skills Hand-eye-coordination
- Type of play: Jigsaw puzzle
Patterns on the light table
Lay out and explore exciting luminous patterns.
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Colors Patterns Symmetry
- Skills: Pincer grip Persistance Concentration
- Type of play: Free open-ended play