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Geological timeline (DIY kit - 541 beads)

39,90 € Brand: WunderwerkstattWunderwerkstatt

Döschen Politur (10ml)

DIY Geological timeline 

Beads to make a chain representing the geological time. Every bead represents 1 million years. The chain starts with Cambrian and ends today.

Included are: 

  • 541 beads with 18mm diameter - one for every one million years - dyed with foodcoloring and liquid watercolors (in 12 labeled paperbags)
  • bunch of beads as reserve

Optional - if don't have some at home:

  • 1 little jar of bees wax polish, to give some shine to the beads (the beads won't be inert to salvia or water, but a little more protected!)

What you need:

  • paper towel to take excess polish (you can polish before you thread the beads or after threading - before is easier to me - just take up some polish with your finger and apply it to the beads)
  • about 10 meter string - I love a flexible one like this 

How many beads for which aera - numbers taken from Wikidepia (Summer 2018):

  • Cambrian Period 56 (blueviolett)
  • Ordician Period 42 (dark blue)
  • SilurianP 24 (blue)
  • Devonian Period 60 (middle blue)
  • Carboniferous Period 60 (light blue)
  • Permian Period 47 (lightest blue)
  • Triassic Period 51 (dark green)
  • Jurassic Period 56 (green)
  • Cretaceous Period 79 (light green)
  • Paleogene Period 43 (orange)
  • Neogene Period 21 (red orange)
  • Quaternary Period 2 (red)