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Booklet "Animals of Oceania" (16 Animals)

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2,00 € Autor: WunderwerkstattWunderwerkstatt

Booklet "Animals of Oceania"

Make your own booklet about 16 animals of Oceania. Texts about which class the animal belongs, where it lives and what it eats. Matching Oceania and it's animals. With an alternative Title "Emu".

*illustrations from Manu*

MamalsLeadbeater's possumkoalared kangarooplatypusTasmanian Devilwombat 

Birds: pukeko, Raggian bird-of-paradise, kiwilittle penguinemu

Reptilefrill-necked lizard

Amphibia: giant banjo frog

Fish: Queensland lungfish, leafy seadragon

Insekts: Queen-Alexandra-birdwing




Cut: Cut along all grey lines. 

Put tow pages in one A6 laminating pouch - then you have some space to bind your booklet.


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