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3part cards "Animals of Ocenania"

(English - Print - Download)
(English - Print - Download)(English - Print - Download)
1,80 € Autor: WunderwerkstattWunderwerkstatt

16 Animals of Australia and Oceania

3 parts cards with additional simple black and white printables for creating your own book of Oceania.

*illustrations from Manu*

MamalsLeadbeater's possumkoalared kangarooplatypusTasmanian Devilwombat 

Birds: pukeko, Raggian bird-of-paradise, kiwilittle penguinemu

Reptilefrill-necked lizard

Amphibia: giant banjo frog

Fish: Queensland lungfish, leafy seadragon

Insekts: Queen-Alexandra-birdwing




[optional] Laminate

Cut along all grey lines - if you like to use the cards as a memory game cut all print too. I love using a paper trimmer.

[optional] I like to cut my corners with a corner cutter as those laminates edges are spiky.