DIY Moon / Month Chain
Beads to make your own Moon-Chain - every bead represents one day. The seventh bead is bigger and marks a sunday or a special phase of the moon (matching the 3 part cards phases of the moon).
If the chain shall represent the phases of the moon - you should thread 29,5 beads - thats how long it takes the moon to travel around the earth.
Included are:
- 30 beads with 20mm Diameter
- 4 beads with 30mm diameter in red - dyed with foodcoloring and liquid watercolors
Optional - if don't have some at home:
- 1 little jar of bees wax polish, to give some shine to the beads (the beads won't be inert to salvia or water, but a little more protected!)
What you need:
- paper towel to take excess polish (you can polish before you thread the beads or after threading - before is easier to me - just take up some polish with your finger and apply it to the beads)
- a little bit more than 1m string - I love a flexible one like this