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This is another possibility to use dyed pasta. Threading beautiful necklaces alone or with other children is a popular activity - and you can even give these crafted treasures away as a present. If it turns boring at one point, you can also give instructions like special color combinations or patterns.

For smaller children, I advise to use undyed noodles with a big hole, for example rigatoni, so that they can pratise the process of threading itself first before making the activity more difficult just by using different types of pasta. For children who already mastered threading you can use various pasta in all colors to make it more challenging.

Nudeln zum Fädeln

Things needed

die aufgefädelten Nudeln


Dye the pasta in a bag and let them dry on paper towels. .

Put the pasta and the threads into a bag - done!

No time to make your own?

There is no readymade alternative, but you can find beautiful and funny pasta: