Our daughter in her first Wunderwerkstatt
The beginnings of the Wunderwerkstatt
–> to the article "The small Wunderwerkstatt – Invitation to explore the senses"

You may know this:

Children can be completely absorbed in certain interests and tasks. This happens when something is being addressed which is currently important in the child's inner 'developmental plan'. For example a child for the first time understands quantities and numbers: from this moment onwards a deep need develops to broaden the knowledge and to use it in every day life. Children are happy to do so - they are thirsty for knowledge, independent and creative.

If this thirst for knowledge and the eagerness to grow can be kept alive happy, happy and content children develop out of it. Children who trust in their abilities and are confident. This also is the motivation of the Montessori pedagogy and other reform-pedagogic approaches. We want to present you with simple ideas and means which support you to create such an inspiring environment for your children in which their ability and confidence can grow naturally. Want to find out more...

About 4 years ago we witnessed for the first time that our usually very lively daughter, was working totally immersed, highly concentrated and breathing deeply in our - from us quickly improvised- 'Wunderwerkstatt'.

Apparently our daughter really liked this environment: an invitation to play independently, explore and discover. From then onwards our aim was to collect play ideas to re-create this 'miracle'.

Finding the right ideas in the Wunderwerkstatt

The closer a play idea is to the developmental need of the child the more joy and exploratory spirit it will create. Because every child is different, we have optimised the Wunderwerkstatt to find the right idea for your hcild quickly and easily:

Finding play ideas from the child's point of view

Use the sorting box (the menu bar with NEW? - button). Here you can find play ideas sorted into AGE , SKILLS, INTERESTS and TYPE OF PLAY. ↓ ↓ ↓

Finding play ideas from the parents point of view

Get an overview by looking at the main menu (for smart phones use the 'hamburger-button' in the left top corner ;-)

Popular topics for children

Regardless of which... colours, animal tracks, stars or seasons our free Ideen-Post is every month about a fascinating topic. In addition to ideas, games and recipes there are also links, gift ideas and fitting to the theme free printables in the range of 5.- Euro.

wundereltern ideenpost

  • We are working in an English version
  • Packed with ideas, kids enjoy
  • Every month with a special theme

  Die Ideen-Post ist gratis - die aktuelle Ausgabe kommt immer am 1. des Monats oder 2 Tage nachdem Ihr Euch eingetragen habt.

Juli Ideenpost


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