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Children want to discover independently

All of the play ideas in the Wunderwerkstatt are chosen and created to support children to discover independently - and deepen their abilities in their individuel way. Just as Maria Montessori discovered more than a 100 years ago - children will love doing - provided with the right environment and supervision - exactly the things which support them in their development the most.

The art lies in offering the right play materials (or working materials) to the right time - and then let the child discover and practice independently.

To make the search easier for you, we have created in the Wunderwerkstatt various ways of quickly and easily finding the right play and discovery ideas. Amongst other things we also have ideas to improve the sensory perception and in their own speed master new motion sequences.

Why discover independently?

Maria Montessori - and a thousand educators after her, have observed that selfdirected practicing and discovering has a downright positive effect on the developement of children.

Children who have learned to find their own way – and know that they are capable of solving problems independently and creatively, can transfer this ability to all areas of their life. In the long run they develop a healthy self-confidence - and learn to evaluate themselves and their abilities well. In addition these children gain a natural feeling for responsibility and all their life they will be able to aquire the knowledge they need to reach their goals

All this significantly contributes to the inner balance - and therefore to the contentment of children - and future adults. We made exactly this discovery ourselves with our daughter - and we were so enthused, that we started to create the Wunderwerkstatt.

If you want to just try the independent discovering, sign up for our 'instant play ideas for beginners'. Here we show you how you can start the discovery play with simple means and things everybody has at home.