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I made a number of felt mats for well known songs, nursery rhymes and poems. Especially those children who grow up bilingually and whose mother tongue is not German, benefit from this tool.

The children can use the mats to recreate and internalise the songs and rhymes.

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10 green bottles

Things needed

one bottle fell down


Place the two green pieces of felt on top of each other and bind with a blanket stitch. This makes for a more stable and more durable mat.

Cut out the wall twice, the bottles 20, the labels 10 times from the respective felt - it will be easier to cut, if you attach the sewing pattern to the felt with adhesive tape.

Embroider the wall with bricks and join with a blanket stitch.

Sew the labels onto the bottles, embroider the numbers in the Montessori colors and then join front and back with a blanket stitch.

Montessori colors: 1-red 2-green 3-pink 4-yellow 5-light blue 6-lavender 7-white (grey) 8-brown 9-blue 10-gold


10 green bottles hanging on the wall
10 green bottles hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall
There'll be nine green bottles hanging on the wall

9 green bottles hanging on the wall..