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I made a number of felt mats for well known songs, nursery rhymes and poems. Especially those children who grow up bilingually and whose mother tongue is not German, benefit from this tool.

The children can use the mats to recreate and internalise the songs and rhymes.

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incy wincy spider komplett

Things needed

Die Spinne und eine Regenwolke


Place the two light green pieces of felt on top of each other and bind with a blanket stitch. This makes for a more stable and more durable mat.

Cut out all parts of the sewing pattern from the respective felt color - it will be easier to cut, if you attach the sewing pattern to the felt with adhesive tape.

For the waterspout, first attach the hole and the stripes, then bind the two parts with a blanket stitch - while stuffing it to your liking.

For the rain clouds: bind the two parts of the cloud with a blanket stitch while stuffing it. Attach the blue pearls for the the rain at the bottom.

For the sun: embroider the front to your liking and then bind the two parts with a blanket stitch while stuffing it.

For the spider: attach the eyes to the front, then stuff and bind the two parts of the spider. For its legs, I threaded 8 pearls onto a wire for each leg and then attached them to the body. For more safety I pulled the thread through all pearls and therefore also fasten the bottom of the legs.

Text Englisch

The incy wincy spider crawled up the water spout
down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
Now incy windy spider crawled up the spout again.

Text German - there exist some variations

Die klitzekleine Spinne
kroch hoch an der Regenrinne.
Da kam der Regen,
spülte die Spinne weg.

Dann kam die Sonne
und trocknete den Regen
und die klitzekleine Spinne
krabbelte wieder hoch


Klitzekleine Spinne krabbelt an der Wand
kam der große Regen ... spült sie in den Sand.
Kam die liebe Sone - trocknet Dach und Land
klitzekleine Spinne krabbelt an der Wand.