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Fruits made from leftover felt can be used in a variety of activities. As products for the toy shop or play kitchen, as food for stuffed animals or for a number of different tablets inspired by Montessori for vocabulary practice or matching games which help nurture the abstraction ability.

The list of fruits is being expanded constantly, so please pop in occasionally if your favorite fruit is still missing or e-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The sewing patterns are attached at the end of the article.

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Obst aus Filz

Things needed

Äpfel aus Filz


Cut out 6 pointed oval pieces of red felt for each apple (approx. 9.5 cm / 3.7in). For the cut apples, cut out one cutting face each from an off-white felt and a small core in beige. 

For the uncut apples attach all 6 pieces and stuff with fiberfill.

Only use 3 for the apple halves. Attach the apple seeds and the core to the cutting face. Attach the cutting face to the halve and stuff with fiberfill. Attach the stem (a rolled up brown felt piece approx. 2 x 1.5 cm/0.8 x 0.6 in).

If you want it to be more even and neat, place a piece of cardbord under the cutting face. You can also hide magnets in two halves or use some velcro as the core and make your own cutting-fruit. 

Apfelstücke aus Filz

Apple slices

For each slice, cut out one pointed oval red piece of felt, one off-white cutting face and one small beige core.

Attach the beige core to the white round felt and embroider brown apple seeds.

Bind the light felt with the red with a blanket stitch.

Before you finish the seam stuff the apple slice with fiberfill.

eine Banane aus Filz zum Schälen

Peelable banana

For the banana cut out 2 light yellow pieces of felt, for its peel cut out 3 pieces of yellow and bright yellow felt each.

Attach the two pieces for the banana, stuff with fiberfill and shape.

For its peel, bind the 3 light and the 3 yellow piece to approx. their middle and then turn the yellow inside out.

Put the light yellow peel into the yellow peel and then bind them with a blanket stitch.

If you like embroider the bottom of the banana with brown thread.


Banana slices

Cut 2 light yellow circles (approx. 3cm /1.3 in) and one stripe approx. 1.5 cm/0.6 in for each slice.

Embroider the seeds on the circles, then attach the stripe to one of the circles with a blanket stitch.

Stuff the slice with fiberfill and then attach the second circle.

Birnen aus Filz


Cut 6 green pieces of felt for each pear. For the cut pears, cut out one cutting face each from an off-white felt and a small core in beige.

For the uncut pears attach all 6 pieces and stuff with fiberfill.

Only use 3 for the pear halves. Attach the seeds and the core to the cutting face. Attach the cutting face to the halves and stuff with fiberfill. Attach the stem (a rolled up brown felt piece approx. 2 x 1.5 cm/0.8 x 0.6 in).

If you want it to be more even and neat, place a piece of cardbord under the cutting face. You can also hide magnets in two halves or use a Velcro fastener for the core and make your own cutting-fruits.

Brombeeren aus Filz

Bramble / Blackberry

For each blackberry cut out a circle with at least 3.5 cm (1.4 in)diameter and one with at least 1.5 cm (0.6 in).

Go round the larger circle with a simple saddle stitch, place fiber fill in the circle and close.

Now stitch vertical and horizontal lines around the entire blackberry.

Finally add the smaller circle to the bottom of the blackberry, I prefer a blanket stitch for that.

Erdbeeren aus Filz


Cut a red semicircle with approx. 10 cm (3.9 in) diameter and a green leaf.

Roll up the semicircle to a cone and attach on the sides. Turn inside out and stuff with fiberfill.

Circle the top of the strawberry with a running stitch, close and pull into shape.

Attach the leaf and embroider the strawberry seeds with gold-colored thread.

Halbe Erdbeeren aus Filz

Strawberry halves

cut a red quadrant with approx. 10 cm (3.9 in) diameter, a pink radiused triangle and a white pointed oval.

Attach the white pointed oval with large stitches to the pink triangle, for a more natural look.

Connect the cutting face with the quadrant with a blanket stitch, while stuffing with fiberfill and pulling into shape.

Embroider the strawberry seeds with gold-colored thread.

Heidelbeeren aus filz


Cut a larger and a smaller circle from the dark purple felt. Cut a cross into the middle of the larger circle.

Cut a small square or circle from the light purple felt and affix to the cross.

Put some fiberfill on the felt and then place the small dark purple circle ontop.

Now bind the two dark purple circles with a blanket stitch.

Himbeeren aus Filz


For each raspberry cut out a circle with at least 3.5 cm (1.4 in)diameter and one with at least 1.5 cm (0.6 in).

Go round the larger circle with a simple saddle stitch, place fiber fill in the circle and close.

Now stitch vertical and horizontal lines around the entire raspberry.

Finally add the smaller circle to the bottom of the rasüberry, I prefer a blanket stitch for that.

Kirschen aus Filz


Cut a rectangle from red felt (approx. 3 x 4.5 cm / 1.2 x 1.8 in) and one or two pointy ovoid leaves from the green felt.

Halve the red rectangle and bind with a blanket stitch. On one side use a saddle stitch and then tighten and fasten with a knot.

Turn the cherry inside out, stuff with fiberfill and saddle stitch the upper hole - but dont tighten yet.

Sew a green thread into the opening and then close the opening. Attach the leaves at the other end of the thread.

Kiwi aus Filz


For one half of a kiwi cut 3 brow pieces for the peel, cut out the green circle for the cutting face (approx. 4 cm/ 1.6 in) and a white middle part (circle with approx. 1.5 cm / 0.6 in).

Seam up the brow parts for the peel and turn inside out. If you wish you can add a little brown circle at the bottom as a finish.

Attach the white middle part to the cutting face and embroider brown seeds - the more detail you add, the more realistic the kiwi will look.

Stuff the peel with fiberfill and attach the cutting face with a blanket stitch.

You can also hide magnets in the kiwi halves or use a velcro fastener to make your own cutting-fruit. If you want it to be more even and neat place a piece of cardboard under the cutting face.

Kiwistücke aus Filz

Kiwi slices

For each kiwi slice cut a green circle (approx. 5 cm/ 1.9 ) and a white circle (approx. 2 cm / 0.8 in).

Stitch the light circle onto the green and embroider with white and brown thread.

Place a bit of fiberfill in the middle, halve the circle and bind with a blanket stitch.

Mandarinenstücke aus Filz

Tangerine bits

Cut a pointed oval piece of orange felt for the peel and an orange circle (approx. 4 cm/1.6 in) for each bit.

Embroider a star on the circle.

Place fiberfill on the circle and attach the peel with a blanket stitch. I used white thread to resemble the white pieces on real tangerines.

Wasser- und Netzmelonenstücke


For each piece of melon cut one pointed oval for the peel, and two ovals for the pulp.

Stitch the red or organge pulp onto the white or green peel and embroider the seeds.

Embroider the peel with gold colored stripes or a white net.

Attach the pulp to the peel and stuff with fiberfill.

If you want a more well-shaped piece of melon you can put a cardboard ova in the slices.


Orange bits

Cut one organge and one white oval for each orange bit and a dark orange one for the peel.

Attach the light orange oval to the white oval and embroider with white thread.

Bind the peel and the pulp with a blanket stitch and stuff with fiberfill.



Cut the four lemon pieces from yellow and the leaves from green felt.

Bind the four lemon parts and turn inside out. Stuff with fiberfill and close.

Attach the leaves at the top.


Sewing pattern - Free

3 part cards fruit

No time to make your own?

There are ready-made alternatives on the internet: