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The cube consists of 3 small cubes and 24 prisms, that can be used to build a big cube. The picture on the cover as well as the rule that only the same coloured surfaces must touch helps with the control of error. A beautiful presentation and more information can be found in Linda's Montessori Shop or on YouTube.

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Der trinomische Würfel in seinen Einzelteilen

Things needed

If you make a binomial cube also, you can use the left over material. 

Der zusammengebaute trinomische Würfel


Cut a 4 x 4 cube from the 4 x 4 wooden square dowel.
Cut a 3 x 3 cube from the 3 x 3 wooden square dowel.
Cut a 2 x 2 cube from the square wooden dowel.

Cut three 3cm long cuboids from the 4 x 4 square dowel.
Cut three 2cm long cuboids from the 4 x 4 square dowel.

Cut three 4cm long cuboids from the 3 x 3 square dowel.
Cut three 2cm long cuboids from the 3x3 square dowel.

Cut six 4cm long cuboids from the 2 x 3 square dowel.

Cut three 4cm long cuboids from the 2 x 2 square dowel.
Cut three 3cm long cuboids from the 2 x 2 square dowel.

Sand carefully and paint with acrylic colors after the following scheme:

4 x 4 faces
3 x 3 faces
3 x 4 faces
2 x 2 faces
Der zusammengebaute Würfel mit Deckel

Required materials for the box:

  • bottom (115x115mm)
  • lid (125x125mm)
  • 4 side walls (102x95mm)

Cut the pieces from a (12mm thick) Mdf board (or have it cut to size in the hardware store)

Glue 2 of the side walls with wood glue and fix the two other sides with the hinges.

Make the lid by using square dowels and paint with the cube pattern for error control.

No time to make your own?

Here's an alternative - but I'm not sure about the quality: Trinomial cube