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The basic recipe for the play dough/modelling clay is super easy to make, with ingredients that you always have in the house. You can let your artwork air dray (depending on how thick they are for several days) and use them for your play store or toy kitchen. The recipe comes (with some alterations) from Imagination Tree.

The play dough is non toxic, meaning that no toxic ingredients are used. However it is not fit for consumption, due to of the amount of salt used.

Invitation to play

Things needed

  • 2 cups flour (use cheap wheat, Type 405, never whole grain flour!)
  • 1/2 to 1 cup salt
  • 2 TL oil
  • 2 TL backing soda
  • 1 to 1,5 cups boiling water out of the water boiler
  • optional: Food coloring, spices, essential oils, herbs, glitter,...
Knete in Aktion


Mix flour, salt, backing powder and oil in a bowl.

Little by little add boiling water from a cattle and work it in until you have an even dough. Knead well until it doesnt stick anymore, add flour if need be.

Divide the dough in several portions and color each with a differnt food coloring, you can add scented oil or herbs or spices to your likeing.

If you dont want to color your hands use disposable gloves while coloring. The dough colors your hands during the coloring process but wont when its finished.

Our play dough stayed fresh for more than 6 months when stored in an airtight container in the fridge - if it was not all used up before hand.

Knete in allen Regenbogenfarben

Variations from the basic recipe

What to use, to chance color, sent and feel of the playdough:

  • Food coloring
  • Spices: cocoa, aniseed, cinnamon, curium, clove, paprika
  • Essential oils: Lavender, rosemary, Orange, ...
  • Herbs (dried or fresh): rosemary, basil, thyme, sage, peppermint
  • Lavender, chamomile, lemon zest, orange zest
  • Sand, rice, semolina, polenta 
  • glitter in various sizes
Knete zum Mitbringen als Geschenk

Play dough gift set

Gift or birthday present that can easily and quickly be made at home.

  • bottom left: ocean dough (blue coloring, blue glitter)
  • bottom right: rosemary dough (green coloring and rosemary essential oil)
  • middle left: chamomlle infusion (chamomile tea instead of water, yellow coloring, chamomile blossoms)
  • middle right: chocolate dough (pure cocoa)
  • top left: Lavender dough (lavender coloring, lavender essential oil and glitter)
  • top right: strawberry dough (red coloring, red glitter)
  • Parts of a beads for christmastree, dyed corn, colored wood sticks Holzstäbchen, gefärbter Reis
  • sorting box

No time to make your own?

You can't compare this play dough to store bought - but here are some alternatives: