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There are different types of moonsand or magical sand. Here is the non toxic type which you theoretically also could eat. For babies you could even try the complete edible version; for this you replace the flour with dry ready mush or polenta and do not use colour or glitter. However, you should add the oil step by step because depending on the brand, the mush reacts differently to flour.

Mondsand wartet

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Mondsand - Invitation to play


Pour oil in a bowl, if the moonsand should have a colour, simply add food colouring.

Work in some flour until it becomes the right texture. If needed, pour in some more flour or oil to adjust.

If you want, you can work in some essential oil, glitter, herbs or spices.

Provide some tools - done :-)

The best way to play with moonsand is in a sand and water playing table, on a washable table cloth or in a paddling pool without water. When something gets spilled, it can easily get vacuumed or brushed away.

You can store the sand airtight for several months in the fridge and reuse it - if it gets too dry, just add some more oil.