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While trying to make white play dough / modeling clay we created a wonderful non-Newtonian fluid called "Ooblek". It is a bit more firm than the usual magical water and is very fun to play and experiment with.

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Zutaten für die nicht-newtonsche Flüssigkeit

Things needed

  • 1 cup cornstarch/cornflour
  • 1/2 Tasse Salz
  • 1 TL oil
  • 1 TL baking soda
  • 1 cup cooking water
Anleitung Oblag


Mix starch and salt.

Add oil and baking soda and mix well.

Add the boiling water little by little until the desired texture is reached. More water will make your Ooblek more sticky and more liquid, less water makes it more firm and slower.

If you leave your Ooblek overnight you can use it as bright white play dough the next day.