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I made a number of felt mats for well known songs, nursery rhymes and poems. Especially those children who grow up bilingually and whose mother tongue is not German, benefit from this tool.

The children can use the mats to recreate and internalise the songs and rhymes.

I made an extra for this felt mat - the sheep can share his wool with three persons. :-)

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Baa baa black sheep Figuren

Things needed

Baa baa black sheep Junge und Schaf


Place the two green pieces of felt on top of each other and bind with a blanket stitch. This makes for a more stable and more durable mat.

Cut out the different pieces from the respective felt - it will be easier to cut, if you attach the sewing pattern to the felt with adhesive tape.

Sheep: Sew three washers onto the body of the sheep. Stitch the eyes and ears and then attach the second bodyform and stitch everything together with blanket stitch. Bind the three wool parts with a blanket stitch and don't forget to insert the magnets. 

The master, the dame and the little boy are sewn together from the parts and embroidered to your liking. Personally, I like to fill them up a little with some shredded felt scraps. 

Text English 

Baa baa black sheep - have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir - three bags full!
One for the master
One for the dame
and one for the little boy
who lives down the lane

Text German

Mäh mäha schwarzes Schaf - hast du etwas Woll
Ja mein Herr, ja mein Herr, drei Säcke voll.
Einen für den Hirten und einen für die Dame
einen für den Buben am Ende der Straße.