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An old friend of mine was looking for ideas to animate her son to do different motoric tasks. She also wanted to give him the chance to explore the colours a little more. Because he sticks everything in his mouth to explore it more, I have used child safe, non-toxic varnish for this occasion.

To begin with it is best to offer only one size of plain rings. This creates the possibility to concentrate on motoric sequences first. Later ones this skill is mastered introduce the colours and different ring sizes and then all the ring variations.

Die gefärbten Regenbogenringe

Things needed

Das Spiel in Aktion


Mount the 'Friesenbaum' or mug tree according to the instructions.

Dye the wood rings with food colour (yellow, orange, red, purple, blue and green) and let it dry thoroughly.  

Rub the rings with beeswax and take off any exess with kitchen roll. If they are being taken into the mouth rather use two layers non-toxic child safe toy varnish.

No time to make your own?

There is no readymade alternative - but some similar options: