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Our first trial to built our own version of one of the beautiful Grimm's toys, the Grimm's mosaic, it worked out well and with a little feeling for color it is quite simple to achieve .

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Das Material für die Mosaiksteine

Things needed

Eine andere Legeweise


Dye 5 wood cubes in one colour. It makes sense to dye the cubes in colour sequence that means from white to light yellow, then yellow, then yellow orange ect. that way leftover food colouring can be used up and everything gets a harmonic tone.

The very dark colours, the true blue, the white and any colours mixed with white can only be achieved with indian ink.

The dried cubes can be varnished with bees wax polish or baby safe varnish, this will enhance the colour depth and will protect from discolouration. 

Glue the square dowels on the plywood as a frame - place the cubes into the frame - done!

These cubes can be combined perfectly with other blocks and other tile-based games.

Was man alles machen kann mit den Würfeln

No time to make your own?

This was inspired by: Grimm's Mosaik Quadrat - I don't know where it is available in the US, you could use colored cubes as an alternative.