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Whilst working in our 'wonder garden' we came across all kinds of different seeds. We partly gathered the seeds ourselves (from melon, spruce and apple), partly we collected seeds from the flowers we had sowed in the garden. Depending on the age and knowledge of the child you can offere different things. As a vocabulary exercise, discribe the seeds,

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Das Material für das Samenspiel

Things needed

Der Samen und seine Pflanze


Fill the seeds into little clear containers, spread glue over each screw thread and close.

Print the printables, laminate and cut out. Round edges not only make the cards look nicer it also is less likely to insure yourself.

Options for presentation

Als einfache Zuordnung

First you can offer 3-6 seeds to be matched with the photographs, after that increase the number.

Als schwierigeres Zuordnungsspiel

Later you can let the seeds be matched with the grown plants.

No time to make your own?

You can't buy this game - but there are some great books about seeds and plants: