Was könnte Deinem Kind gefallen?
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Focussing your attention - being in flow..

  • Lacing blocks

    Lacing smooth silk ribbon through different sized thread eyes - training fine motor skills and

  • Two part puzzles

    Two parts make one - Search for the fitting halves.

  • Toddler puzzles

    First simple puzzles for toddlers - discover sequenzes, fruit, vegetables and rainbows -

  • Patterns on the light table

    Lay out and explore exciting luminous patterns.

  • Plant windows

    Preserve and explore natural treasures from a walk through the woods.

  • Counting blocks in Montessori colors

    1, 2, 3... - Counting and building all in one.

  • Mirror corner

    mirror, mirror in the corner... - experience and investigate symetry, geometry and

  • Matching games

    Every child enjoys matching games - the difficulty level can be varied.

  • Matching fruits

    Match fruits made from felt with the corresponding photographs

  • Which seeds are these?

    What grows from these little seeds - and what do carrot seeds look like?

  • Life cycle of a snowdrop

    The growth stages of a snowdrop as a layered puzzle.

  • Life cycle of a bean

    The growth stages of a bean plant as a layered puzzle.

  • Life cycle of a painted lady

    The life cycle of a painted lady as a layered puzzle.

  • Life cycle of a tree frog

    The life cycle of a tree frog as a layered puzzle.

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