Lacing WunschkindHerzkindNervkind
Pasta in a bag
Pasta in all colors and shapes make the most beautiful necklaces.
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Colors Patterns
- Skills: Fine motor skills Pincergrip Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of play: Lacing
Lacing blocks
Lacing smooth silk ribbon through different sized thread eyes - training fine motor skills and
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Lacing
- Skills: Conzentration Fine motor skills Hand-eye-coordination
- Art des Spiels: Skill based game
10 Entdeckerkorbideen
Entdeckerkörbe - kleine Körbe zum genussvollen Untersuchen und Erforschen!
"Heller als... und dunkler als... " - in den Farben des Regenbogens.
Shades sorting game
'ligther than... and darker than' in the colours of the rainbow
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Shades Colors
- Skills: Fine motor skills Hand-eye-coordination
- Type of play: Peg game
- Sensitiv period: Sensitivity for Order
Lernen und basteln mit Naturmaterialien
Die Natur schenkt und unendlich viele Materialien zum Entdecken und Basteln!